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This blog was originally started under the title, News and Some Views, after the requirements of my first job as a content writer got me introduced to the world of Blogosphere. Other than being an editor and occasional blogger, I am interested in discovering life…always chasing (and all possible efforts are made towards mastering) ‘new’ things. Spontaneity interests me. Drop your comments to let me know what you feel about some of the things I have written about. Most of these emanate from our day-to-day experience. Let me know your side too.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Photo courtsey: Reuters

For the first time in more than eight decades, scientists have observed a living pygmy tarsier, which is one of the planet's smallest and rarest primates. It was discovered on a misty mountaintop on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi.

The scientists were successful in trapping three furry, mouse-sized pygmy tarsiers -- two males and one female -- on Mt. Rore Katimbo in Lore Lindu National Park in central Sulawesi, the researchers said on Tuesday. They spotted a fourth one which was successful in getting away.

Some scientists believed the tarsiers to have become extinct. They may not have been overly thrilled by this redicovery.

The tarsirer is a nocturnal primate found in an area with lower vegetative species diversity. Its found in central Sulawesi, Indonesia.The Pygmy Tarsiers were believed by some to be extinct until 2000, when Indonesian scientists accidentally killed one while trapping rats. Tarsiers, in general, are insectivorous. They are the only primates that are completely carnivorous as well.


humanobserver said...

Thnaks for sharing these info ! An incredible discovery !

MAHI said...

datsso cute!!