India National Congress today said that there are enough evidences to impose ban on Bajrang Dal which has been disturbing public peace and communal harmony in the country by attacking religious minority communities. The Congress spokesperson Manish Tiwari today addressing a press confrence in the capital gave details of the unlawful activities that Bajrang Dal had been involved in since 1984 till date. He also asked all parties to think above the communal lines.
It is amazing that the party took it so long to come out with idea in public( which i wanted to ask but as an intern i can't afford to ask such a question). Various other parties like RJD which are part of the UPA coalition had already called for the banning the Bajrang Dal. The Congress called for an outright ban on organizations like the Bajrang Dal and SIMI which the spokesperson called " two sides of the same coin". Hope that the sentiments of the party also reaches the mind of the government, which has to finally bring about the ban and save lives of people.
Banning 'BAJRANG DAL'is not a permanent solution. If you put ban on the group, tomorrow you will see another kind of fundamentalist group. The most important thing is why such kind of groups is evolving in India? Because of some nasty politicians who persuade some uneducated people to choose wrong path so that they could destroy peace and harmony of the society.
dytiqsyes that is tru..but when such groups crop up or try to organise itself, there should be a regulatory measure to check it.
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