This year's durga puja has not been very good for the state of West Bengal. First the news is confirmed that the Tatas are taking their one lakh car-the nano project out of Singur because of the demand and agitation put up by the Trinamool Congress leader Mamata Banerjee to return the "unwilling farmers' land" which was 300 acres, otherwise they won't allow any work at the plant. The Tatas came to this decision after all negotiation process fell apart and Mamata not moving an inch from her demand. Within days of anouncing the moveout, Tatas have located the land for the new Nano plant in Gujarat's Sanand and they announcement came on the sameday as Kolkata's Prince Sourav Ganguly announced his retirement from cricket that is on 7th october when the state was celebrating Mahastami. many farmers had still not believed the " mamata has pulled trigger" confirmation of moveout statement made by Ratan Tata on 3rd October. but the news of moving to Gujarat would shatter the false ray of hope that they have built, again during the Durga Puja.
Though people will take the retirement news more calmly as there will be no room for protest during the times of puja, but the confirmation of Tatas moving out would certainly bring gloom to the houses of those farmers in Singur who had willingly gave away their land and those employed at the plant.
It is to see if Kolkata, especially the politicians, learn the important lesson about professionalism out of this two announcements. if you want the industrialist to invest in the state, you can call strikes over every miniscule of trouble with the management. If the business does not meet the target, the business would move out. Professional attitude is what the entire Bengal needs to adapt, which is still painted in too much red.