These are two of the many examples where numerous posts in the country are lying vacant. Educational institutions lack staffs, libraries don’t have the staff. We do not need any study or research papers to show that vacancies at various places need to be filled. But how many job opening advertisements do we find in the papers. Not many.
Whenever we have to count one of the biggest strengths available in India that makes it conducive for investments (especially foreign investments) it is, here one can get a good lot of educated human resource.
Few years back Hillary Clinton while speaking in the sidelines of a summit said that the good thing about India is, more people could afford a college education.
But what is coming out of it? Are there enough dependable jobs available for the college educated? Outsourcing surely has generated jobs, but is it secure enough? The answer would be no for at least a large number of those who are working in that industry.
Privatization has been advocated by successive governments in the country, thus trying to do away with the socialist strand in our economy. Leaving a large number of people to an insecure job market and future, where you can be hired and fired anytime. The issue for termination not all the time remains, ‘not been able to meet targets’.
So many posts in the govt. offices remain vacant, yet no hiring is done. It is also trying to delve into the contract basis job system.
Are you living in Delhi, wondering why the domestic breeding checkers have not been to your locality yet? Because, they are on a strike, demanding for permanent jobs. They are also hired for the season only.
It’s a pity that the Union Labour Minister Oscar Fernandez chose to speak on such an important topic on death of the CEO of the Italian firm Graziano, who was attacked by a lynch mob of striking factory workers. ‘Hire and fire’ policy of the India Inc. and foreign Incs. present in India needs to be questioned but the timing was not right. It was after all a law and order issue (lack of security presence; even the Italian ambassador had earlier requested for more security cover be given to the company, until the labour issue is resolved) which catapulted into this sad tragedy.
The result of the wrong timing is that hire and fire policy which happens to be a grave issue, as correctly pointed out by the minister, who asked the companies to be “compassionate” towards its employees is not going to be raised again. After all the Prime Minister had to intervene to make the minister apologize for his remarks (which made India Inc. angry).